(07) 4638 2700

Clinic Etiquette

At Cosmetic Elegance Clinic, we pride ourselves on providing quality service to all our patients and clients and we will not compromise these values. 

In consideration of other clients and our staff, please note the following:- 

  • Keep noise levels in reception to a minimum.

  • During a consultation, please refrain from using your electronic devices.

  • If children are brought to the clinic, please ensure they are kept calm and use little voices. 

  • For their safety, children may not be allowed into the treatment room.  If you have no option but to bring young children along, please have someone with you to mind them.

  • We offer a courtesy telephone reminder service for appointments, however it is ultimately your responsibility to remember your appointment and we ask that you arrange your diary appropriately.

  • Lodging claims on-line to Medicare is a courtesy service, not an obligation of Cosmetic Elegance Clinic.   If for some reason Medicare has not processed your claim, it is your responsibility to follow this up with them directly.  Due to privacy regulations we cannot speak to Medicare of your behalf.  You will always be provided with a receipt for our services; please keep this for your records.

  • Please be aware that consultation times are arranged based on the information that is discussed at the time of booking.  If you request additional services on the day, the consultant may suggest you make another appointment to address all your concerns.

  • Whilst we strive to keep to scheduled appointment times, there are occasions where this is not possible.  Please understand that the Doctor’s first priority is patient care and some appointments may run longer than allocated.  Be assured that when it is your turn, the Doctor will give you his undivided attention and the appropriate time required.

  • With regard to bookings with our skin care consultants, our appointments are carefully coordinated to allow the correct time for each treatment.  Arriving late will only lessen the treatment time we have scheduled for you.