(07) 4638 2700


Electrolysis uses Galvanic current and Thermolysis to destroy the hair follicle.

Unlike IPL which treats pigmented hair and uses a beam of concentrated pulsed light to treat an area, Electrolysis makes use of a probe inserted into an individual follicle for treatment of hair growth that is fair or white.  Multiple treatments may be necessary.

This treatment is particularly effective on coarse facial hair that develops through hormonal changes.  If these coarse hairs develop in moles, these too can be treated as long as the mole has been checked by our skin cancer doctor and deemed healthy.

Electrolysis is effective, but since it only treats one hair follicle at a time, it is not a practical solution for large areas as it is too time-consuming.  IPL is best suited for areas such as the underarm, bikini line, arms and legs.  See our IPL hair reduction notes for more information on this treatment.

Cosmetic Elegance staff are experts in hair removal and they will be able to advise on the treatment method to best suit your needs
As you can see, Cosmetic Elegance Clinic has you covered.  To find out how you can be hair-free, please contact Cosmetic Elegance Clinic, Toowoomba on 07-4638 2700.