Cosmetic Treatments
Laser Hair Removal & IPL
Using Laser/ IPL treatments we can eliminate unwanted hair from all over the body and face with a series of easy treatments. Both men and women can enjoy the benefit of this simple non-invasive hair removal treatment.
Our methods are safe, fast and best suited to pigmented hair. Using a handpiece, Laser/IPL targets a beam of concentrated light of a specific wave length to heat the hair follicle and permanently disable it. It is most effective in the Anagen phase (active growth phase of the hair), hence the necessity for multiple treatments.
Areas that can be treated are:-
Face & neck
Back hair line
Chest, back & shoulders
Arms & hands
Bikini area & buttocks
Before and after care procedures ensure that you get the most out of your treatment.
Cosmetic Elegance Clinic also offers Electrolysis as a supplementary treatment for fair or grey hairs as well as those last few stubborn hairs post Laser/IPL treatment. See our Electrolysis page for more information on this treatment.
As you can see, Cosmetic Elegance Clinic has you covered. To find out how you can be hair-free, please contact Cosmetic Elegance Clinic on 07 4638 2700. For more information visit our Laser Clinic website
Disclaimer: Results from our cosmetic treatments may vary from person to person. We cannot guarantee results as certain medical conditions and individual lifestyle variations may result in not achieving your desired outcomes. Multiple treatments may be necessary (and occasional maintenance may be needed). Detailed documentation is supplied to all patients and no reimbursements will be given once the terms and conditions documents are signed. Initial consultation is essential.